
David J. Worley

Why I produced the Groler Podcast

I hope you engage the podcast because you realize leadership is less about birthed ability and more about the development of your leadership capacity. Leadership capacity is grown by developing relevant aspects of yourself, gaining new ability to see organizations with more nuance, and honing on-the-ground skills for being effective in your specific role. Each of the 21 episodes is devoted to this task.

As I have aged, I have come to realize that learning begets growth and growth begets more learning. It is a classic positive feedback loop. I hope this site contributes insights and information for your own development.

Be your best self, every day.

More about David Worley

I grew up on a farm in southeastern Colorado (USA) where I learned the satisfaction of hard physical work, the glory of being outside, and the tranquility of animals. As a youngster I liked sports, particularly basketball, but also nurtured a deep passion for learning.

I pursued a bachelor’s degree in Engineering, a master’s in Leadership and an interdisciplinary PhD where I studied monetary economics, cultural theory and meaning-making. I have continued producing work on leadership, money, culture and interesting nuances of life.
